Here at Orrstown UB Chruch we believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God. We pray to praise God, thank Him, and tell Him how much we love Him. We pray to enjoy His presence and tell Him what is going on in our lives. We pray to make requests, seek guidance, and ask for wisdom. God desires for us to come to Him in prayer as His children, just as we desire deep communication with our children.
Praying for others is also an important part of what we do here at Orrstown UB Church. The New Testament is full of examples of praying for others. in 1 Timothy 2 we are instructed to pray for all people, for government leaders, for the unsaved, and for fellow Christians. Ephesians 6 instructs us to pray for ministers of the gospel. Hebrews 13 tells us to pray for the persecuted church. As we pray for others, we stop focusing on ourselves and focus more on others, as well as more on God. Galatians 6:2 instructs us to "carry each other’s burdens,” so that we “will fulfill the law of Christ.”
We would like to help carry your burdens and rejoice with your praises!
We invite you to share your prayer requests and praises by clicking the below button. You will have the option to leave your name, or make the request anonymous. You can choose whether the request is posted on this page so others can pray for you, or the requests can go to the pastor who will keep it confidential and pray over it for you. All requests made will first go to our pastor who will read them, pray over them, and then post them as you desire.
I pray that Orrstown United Brethren Church can be a lighthouse in this community. That we can live out our mission and purpose to walk with God and make disciples for Christ, "so that all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other." I pray that we will do well in modeling who Christ is and know how to meet the spiritual and physical needs in our community.